Chem symbol test

This is a simple chemical symbol test. You’ll be tested on chemical elements and their names.

#| viewerHeight: 300
#| standalone: true

chem <- data.frame(
  symbol = c("Al", "Sb", "Ar", "As", "Ba", "Be", "Bi", 
             "B", "Br", "Cd", "Ca", "C", "Cs", "Cl", "Cr",
             "Co", "Cu", "F", "Au", "He", "H", "I", "Fe",
             "Kr", "Pb", "Li", "Mg", "Mn", "Hg", "Ne", "Ni",
             "N", "O", "P", "Pt", "K", "Rn", "Se", "Si", "Ag",
             "Na", "Sr", "S", "Te", "Sn", "Ti", "W",
             "U", "V", "Xe", "Zn", "Zr"),
  name = c("aluminum", "antimony", "argon", "arsenic", "barium", "beryllium", "bismuth", 
           "boron", "bromine","cadmium", "calcium", "carbon", "cesium", "chlorine", "chromium",
           "cobalt", "copper", "fluorine", "gold", "helium", "hydrogen", "iodine", "iron",
           "krypton", "lead", "lithium", "magnesium", "mangenese", "mercury", "neon", "nickel",
           "nitrogen", "oxygen", "phosphorus", "platinum", "potassium", "radon", "selenium", "silicon", "silver",
           "sodium", "strontium", "sulfur", "tellurium", "tin", "titanium", "tungsten",
           "uranium", "vanadium", "xenon", "zinc", "zirconium")

ui <- fluidPage(
    column(5, offset = 1, checkboxGroupInput("chk_options", "Test me on", choices = names(chem), selected = "symbol", inline = TRUE))
    column(5, offset = 1, uiOutput("ui_question")),

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  last_num <- 0
  rv <- reactiveValues(
    question_count = 0,
    score = 0,
    question_type = NULL,
    question = NULL,
    answer = NULL,
    streak = 0
  question_index <- reactive({
    num <- last_num
    while (num == last_num) {
      num <- sample(nrow(chem), size = 1)
    last_num <- num
  output$ui_question <- renderUI({
    if (length(input$chk_options) > 0) {
      rv$question_type <- sample(input$chk_options, size = 1)
      answer_type <- names(chem)[!names(chem) == rv$question_type]
      rv$question <- chem[[rv$question_type]][question_index()]
      rv$answer <- chem[[answer_type]][question_index()]
        h3(paste(answer_type, "for:", rv$question)),
        textInput("txt_answer", label = NULL),
        actionButton("but_answer", "Submit")
  observeEvent(input$but_answer, {
    if (rv$question_type == "symbol") {
      answer <- tolower(input$txt_answer)
    } else {
      answer <- input$txt_answer
    if (answer == rv$answer) {
      rv$score <- rv$score + 1
      rv$streak <- rv$streak + 1
      showNotification(ui = "CORRECT!", type = "message")
    } else {
      rv$streak <- 0
      showNotification(ui = paste0("WRONG.  Correct answer is ", rv$answer), type = "error")
    rv$question_count <- rv$question_count + 1
  output$ui_score <- renderUI({
    h3(paste0("Score: ", rv$score, "/", rv$question_count), style = "color: #388E3C")
  output$ui_streak <- renderUI({
    if (rv$streak > 29) {
      col <- "#2E7D32"
    } else if (rv$streak > 19) {
      col <- "#00838F"
    } else if (rv$streak > 9) {
      col <- "#1E88E5"
    } else if (rv$streak > 0) {
      col <- "#8E24AA"
    } else {
      col <- "#E53935"
    h3(paste0("Streak: ", rv$streak), style = paste0("color: ", col))


app <- shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)